As a rule, delivery should take 7-12 working days from the order confirmation and payment. Since we’ve been long in this business, we have analyzed the statistics of shipping time and can say that the estimated shipping time varies between 12 and 21 working days.
The term can be longer than the carrier stated as these 7-12 days’ term is calculated when the tracking of the package becomes available. And in most situations, internal transfer in the post office takes 3-5 days (even if the seller updates the tracking number).
You can see which orders have shipped and whether you have future shipments scheduled by logging into your account. When we ship each box, you’ll receive a shipment notification by email. This email will contain a tracking URL and will list all of the items that are on their way. If you have any questions about an order, you can also contact customer service.
We offer free shipping on orders above $100 to all eligible countries.
What if I need my package to arrive on a specific date?
We can’t guarantee that a package will arrive on a specific date because of possible shipment issues that can occur while the package is with our carriers (and thus out of our control). But we are happy to adjust your shipping date to get as close as possible to a specific arrival time. Our shipment days fall on Mondays and standard shipping is 7 to 12 business days, but the majority of our boxes make it to their destinations within 7 business days. If you need any help setting up your Uzdeal order for a specific arrival time, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Whether you’re wondering where your order is or asking yourself if the seller has shipped your order, you can track the status of your order at any time using the Uzdeal account portal.
As part of Uzdeal’s commitment to providing the best online buying and selling experience to all customers, all of the shipping statuses of your order will be visible from Uzdeal account directly. Our track and trace feature extends to all sellers and buyers, no matter where they are geographically located.
You will be able to see the info on your courier service provider as well as the order’s shipping information when sellers update their tracking number into the order.
You can also check your delivery status yourself by clicking on “Track Your Order” and enter your order ID and billing email address.
Uzdeal is the leading e-Commerce platform and trustworthy online marketplace that offers a great variety of products at aggressive costs. We connect millions of buyers and sellers around the world. It is a platform tailored for the region, providing customers with easy, secure and fast online shopping.
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